
Jumbo T

 The Jumbo T Automatic Drinker is stabilized by a black ballast (that is filled with sand or water) underneath the red bell to prevent water spillage in the chicken house; thereby promoting hygienic rearing. The Jumbo T drinker can work both: suspended or on the ground. This drinker is designed to cater to larger birds such as Turkeys or Ducks. Each piece of our Jumbo T Drinkers has the capacity of 80 Large Birds. The drinker includes a filter that cleanses and purifies the water before reaching the birds. The Jumbo-T drinker is supplied with a 3m hose and a shut-off saddle.

Operating Specifications

    • Working pressure: min 0.2 bar – max 0.5 bar
    • For higher pressures: Either use a reducer or connect to a water tank that should be placed at least 4m above ground level
    • For optimum working conditions: It is suitable to keep the water level beetween 10 to 20 mm